
‘Crossfail’ commissioner should quit, says London Assembly

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  1. “As the Commissioner made clear to the Transport Committee, it would not have been right to allow material to go to the Mayor that was incorrect or inconsistent with information that the management of Crossrail Ltd themselves were presenting to TfL and the Mayor in regular face to face meetings.”

    Does this not prove the point ?

    The Commissioners role is oversight is it not ?

    If his information was not consistent with the management team information then surely discussions should have been had, not changed or watered down to “keep the peace”

    The apparent mis-management of Crossrail is akin to the floundering of Carillion and the “cover-up” but the auditors “to keep the peace” and of course, the money rolling in

  2. It would be unsurprising to learn that project reports filtered upward to Executive Leadership were not summarised and précised. However, the reporting to date doesn’t give any clue as to where any ‘blame’ might lie or where any lessons can be learned. So far all those diligent professionals down in the hands-on roles are getting a collective bad press by association – this seems likely to be entirely undeserved.
    It would be amazing to learn that a project as complex as Crossrail was not driven from a critical-path schedule programme and subject to enduring and live risk management processes and budgetary controls and progressive updates. Why have we not heard more specific news of any ‘Early Warning’ notices and the like that should have been precursors to possible delays and/or over-runs?

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