
Only 38% of new Kier shares sold in rights issue

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  1. The second rights issue, when the shares were trading close to £198 in the last six years. Time for a change in the leadership

  2. What happened to:
    Turnover is vanity!
    Profit is sanity!
    Cash is King!
    Kier was such a safe company under Colin Busby and Dugan Brand. Always kept £100k in the back for emergency’s. Invested in profitable housing from contracting. Now private house building has been slimmed down and the money spent on buying other contractors at low margins. If you do not make a profit then it does not produce cash, contractors only get a short term surplus by not paying sub contractors. I cannot see how the current strategy can work without having nvrstment in more profit making diversivication, take a look at whitbbred who understood they are in existence to make money not beer!!!

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