
Why contractors are still getting it wrong

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  1. Everything Steffan Engstrom says in this article is a valid viewpoint, however, let’s not just blame the contractor and his rush for work etc. Throughout all this period of navel gazing and report writing we have ignored the one thing that has exercised my mind for nigh on 20 years. The key denominator in this is the client. We talk about intelligent clients, serial clients and one off clients. We talk about putting the client at the centre of what we do. We “get” the issue of client satisfaction. And then what do we do? We allow the client whoever they might be to procure at lowest cost, to look at every job as a discreet project, to form long lists of contractors and call it a framework, to play at partnering or partnership working. All this advised by consultants, many of whom have no understanding of their client, their business or their objectives. The construction industry is not going to change by itself, what’s the incentive to do so when they are treated so badly by clients?
    Start by educating the clients, but of course to do that we need consultants who are prepared to stand out from the crowd, to advise non-intelligent clients how they should be procuring, how they can build trust, what advantages there are for building relationships into proper partnering and frameworks that benefit all parties. We are hung up on the contractors, is it time for change, real and lasting change? I speak as a client who has been procuring serial projects for the last 20 years, on a true partnered approach, who has built trust in the supply chain and into my consultant teams. Lets get the advice right and communicate that to clients across the piece. Then contractors may be able to get it right too.

  2. Engineers should pick the right contractors and workers as well to ensure to have the trusted employees for the assigned work.

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