
Tideway Tunnel employee designs burka-friendly PPE

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  1. Great idea so as not to exclude certain religious groups from construction, but not sure how safe it is to still wear the hijab head scarf out on site as it would appear to be a loose garment which would appear very dangerous to me, as it can easily get caught in machinery with devastating consequences, so more design work required I think.

  2. Surely employers, whilst they must provide suitable PPE, must ensure that their duty of care doesn’t create further hazards. Loose clothing such as this around machinery is an accident waiting to happen. That said congratulations to her for the idea and effort to follow it through, but from a safety perspective, this protective clothing has the potential to cause serious harm.

  3. Safety must be paramount, this loose clothing poses an absolute danger on any site, regardless of religious belief, the wearer would be exposed to many high end risks

  4. It’s loose clothing with a hard hat – no matter which way you wear, or look at, it. Following ones religion doesn’t and shouldn’t be a requisite for danger on site. First rule – safety is everyone’s responsibility. Tight fitting PPE every time or someone’s going to get hurt and the first aider has to pick up the pieces. Enough said?

  5. Ok so as a “Gender neutral person” who has 30 seconds ago taken up a Muslim faith,i can now DEMAND to wear the same as the lady with the completely inappropriate PPE.

    In fact what if i decided to wear a full niqāb (only has a slit for the eyes)…with a loose fitting dress as pictured.

    Yes its completely barmy..but its quite possible,and with all the PC rubbish now days i can see it happening…then when someone gets dragged into a machine and hurt the company will get sued for millions.

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