
Housebuilder prosecuted for CDM failings

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  1. Try explaining CDM to most SME,s and they look at you like you are from another planet. HSE should take some of the blame due to the fact they do not highlight it to the general public and builders. It is the same with Asbestos regs HSE do not give it the High Profile it desrves.

  2. I agree, in part, with Graham, FREE training for all SMEs in a local area, not London or Birmingham, although they would / could be included in local training sessions. Perhaps local safety groups could provide a day’s training and advertise an article in the local press/radio may be even TV!
    The but would be, this company, after receiving 16 enforcement notices and 9 HSE inspections, you would think they could have made some improvements to mitigate the outcome. Or maybe like a lot of SMEs they do not realize the severity of ignoring good health and safety advice!

  3. Well said Graham, we all need to own health and safety responsibilities on the sites we work on.

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