
Vox pop: What did the Olympics mean to you?

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  1. Please could the staff of Construction Manager carry out an investigation to identify how Small/Medium Enterprises(SME)s or a Micro Enterprises (ME)s in the North West of England have benefitted from London 2012.  As the senior partner in what I thought was a SME, though we have recently told we are only a ME, my observation would be a resounding nothing.

    There have been a lot of ‘good’ words about the inclusivity and Legacy of these games, unfortunately from where I sit this has been limited to London (unless we wanted to go out and watch the torch on it’s way to LONDON- nothing quite like rubbing the proverbial, or is that provincial, nose in it!).  Even if we wished to go and look at the Olympic Park once the games are finished that will not be possible as I understand that immediately the games are finished the area will be closed for 18 months for the de-commissioning and conversion into the Legacy for London!

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