
Plan to use moon to harness the sun’s energy

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  1. Really great concept, however like all really good ideas you need somehow find cooperation of world leaders and their constituents.
    The biggest reason most great innovations or forward planning fail is due to political influence or lack their of.
    I would however love to see it in my lifetime.

  2. How about an even more radical concept? Build large solar panels on Earth! After all most of the Worlds deserts are empty with no nimby neighbours to complain about it. That way we can stay out of the fantasy realms and leave the moon to us amateur astronomers. And just imagine the risk assessments involved!

  3. The idea of covering a moon in solar energy and beaming it back is not new. It can be found in Larry Niven’s “Destiny’s Road”.
    I’d imagined it would be done by a nuclear (+solar) powered rover which could take in lunar dust, and 3D print low-grade panels and a connection.
    Tbh I agree that the Sahara is more convenient and environmental wear and tear is probably easier to overcome short term.

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