
Lowest cost culture blocking BIM Level 2 adoption, says Bew

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  1. I think the headline misses a subtle, but important detail.

    Wanting low costs shouldn’t be a problem. BIM should be able to help projects deliver great value and low cost projects. If the focus is on TOTAL, FINAL cost.

    The problem I see is that in a desire for “cost certainty” and minimised commercial risk at a work package level, we use commercial approaches that do not help the project achieve this. A project manager who believes that they get the lowest total cost project by letting a lot of separate fixed-price contracts for each work package is actually increasing the overall project cost.

    This approach is what makes for our fragmented project teams. And since each contractor understandably looks after their own interests, they are incentivised not to support holistic methods that help the overall project BIM.

    Until projects realise that the commercial model is what is holding us back, and that changing it is the most reliable way to reduce total project cost and duration, than great ideas like BIM will remain frustrated and under-performing.

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