
Idom Merebrook to complete UK’s largest Elephant house

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  1. Elephants generally live in family herds that do not comprise adult males. Bull elephants live solitary lives, occasionally forming small groups with other males and only interactng with females during mating season. These elephants should have never been put in any zoo. It is unnatural and they can not live a normal life. They should not be exposed to close human contact. They are not pets. This structure recognises that they are in the wrong part of the world. They do not need houses in the wild! The space available to them is miniscule compared to their area of roaming and enrichment attempts can never even come close to that in their native habitat.As far as breeding is concerned, female elephants choose their partners just as humans do. Artificial inseminatio will be the only way to procurate, and give the zoo poor calves born in prison to a unnatural life full of gaping tourists. These animals need a sanctuary far from humans where people can only see them as they do in the wild, on safari. Asian elephants like African elephants need to be treated with empathy for who they are, not what they can bring in revenue!
    I applaud the attempt to offer these poor creatures bigger prison cells, but a zoo will never be the right place for these intelligent, social animals.

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