
Blythe spearheads modernisation

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  1. This is dumbing dowm of standards just to create more members, putting monies generate by subscriptions first.
    There is no short cut to gaining experience and knowledge, perhaps mor should be imparted by the over 40 plus brigade.
    There is however opportunity to split technical and managerial or site from office.

  2. I would like to become a MCIOB, I already have an NVQ6, run my own company for 5 years and have been looking into gaining the additional qualification required but as I am also a full time mum time is very limited. I would welcome changes to the system and only have the need to take qualifications relevant to the profession and possibly broken down into units that can be achieved individually.

  3. Sounds like dumbing down to me!

  4. I agree and not before time !!!.
    As part of the over 40 years as a member brigade, I have always advocated – that the CIOB is the natural home of resource planning.
    Filling that gap in the industry will assist planners and the industry itself.
    Also I think the CIOB is now failing the supervisory staff on site. Construction managers and the like. No one has ever made it a condition of being a CIOB member before offering me a job or an employment visa -not the same with the RICS !! Quality Standards on the international mega projects I am involved wioth are appalling – period
    Just how are CIOB going to harness India & China. Chris- you need to get a team of individuals around 25 to 30 to plan the future.Identify their needs and you have a chance. Good Luck to all involved.

  5. This sounds like a cry for help from our CE brought on by a panic attack, not fully thought through – not unlike the ‘Chartered Builder or Chartered Constructor?’ debate. At a time when we are, arguably, going through the worst economic downturn in our lifetime, there is need for experienced, intelligent leadership and considered debate with the membership – how about it Chris?

  6. As one who became Chartered at 60 years old I welcome the initiative to recognise work experience in a more structured way. Modular routes to qualification are now common in many areas and the CIOB should not be shy to embrace such ideas.

    Degree courses are increasingly expensive and often divorced from reality and I fear that universities are the people dumbing down’ qualifications in a bid to demonstrate their sucess rates are better than their competitors. A work based entry route gets a thumbs-up from me

  7. ‘Dumbing down’ and diluting long established standards. The CIOB has lost its strategic focus – is the new strategy from a ‘Chartered Builder’ or a ‘Construction Manager’ perspective?

  8. If it’s too easy it’s not worth having. High standards are all.

  9. Speaking as one who has recently successfully completed the corporate membership exams I would be very reluctant to dilute that process but certainly the CIOB has lost ground to other Institution by not promoted itself towards a wider audience. If it wishes to remain relevant and central to to a very changed Industry then it has to be attractive to the recent graduate. It must project its membership grade and the prospect of progression within the grade in such a way that confirms the Institute as the professional body of first choice within the Industry particularly with a view to the future. It must set about a re-marketing of the qualification by creating a new proactive dynamic regarding the key role CIOB members plays in the Industry worldwide. This should be coupled to examples of how achieving membership has opened new career prospects. With some careful tweaking I wish Chris well.

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